Safi (tribe)

Safi is a major branch of the greater Gharghasht Pashtun tribe, originating in the Kohi Safi district of Parwan province, and also makes up majority in the Pech Valley of Kunar, Afghanistan. Safi clans are said to have inhabited mainly region Kunar Province. Currently Safi tribesmen are all around Afghanistan and include the founder of Safi Airways and the Safi Landmark Hotel. The name is pronounced 'Saapai' in original Pashto. The Safi are divided into 3 main clans. The three major clans are the Ghorbaz, the Masawad and the Wadir .The exact population number of this clan is not known; however, it is estimated to be around 2.5 million, both in Afghanistan and in Federally Administered Tribal Areas(Teh Safi) of Pakistan. Safis have played an important role in the Afghan society, especially in Afghan Governments and also were known to be against the kings. The Safis have had an important role on the other side of the Durand Line as well. On September 10, 2007 Safi elders of Mohmand Agency played an important role on reaching an agreement with Taliban fighters to stop attacks on Pakistani military, security forces, and government installations such as schools, and hospitals, etc. in Mohmand Agency.[1]



Safi clans are said to be among the earliest Gharghasht who adopted Islam. Throughout Afghan history, the Safi have been mentioned, most famously during resistance against Aurangzeb, when a major war broke out in 1668. A rebellion was sparked by a general in the ranks of the Mughal Empire who had insulted a woman of this clan; in revenge Safi tribesmen killed the General. When news reached Aurangzeb that his general was killed, he appealed to the tribe to hand over the killers, but the elders refused and challenged the Emperor. Soon Aurangzeb set out with a large force against the Safi and their allies from among other Khattak, Afridis, Shinwari, Mohmands in the command of Khushal Khan Khattak which was at that time the tribal chief of Khattak tribe. Afghan sources claim that Aurangzeb suffered a humiliating defeat, with a reported loss of 40,000 Mughal soldiers.[2] Currently the Safi tribe is well known for resistance to the Taliban regime, and many fierce clashes have broken out between the two. Some Safi tribesmen also inhabit Balochistan Province, Pakistan, in Sibi District, with two sub clans: the Meerzai and Kamalzai. Safi are also living in Zobh District. In Balochistan they are together under Safi Ithad and their office is located at Mizan Chock in Mizan Plaza quetta. In Sibi, Safi have the lion share of water, 8 Pao of water in Nari River.[3]

See also

Prominent Figures


Abdullah Khan Safi general seceratary all pakistan clerkes assocition on Balochistan Quetta raies abdul wadood safi the cheaf of high court in the time of zaher shah in afghanistan.